- #How to make protools 12 playback follow cursor how to
- #How to make protools 12 playback follow cursor pro
#How to make protools 12 playback follow cursor pro
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#How to make protools 12 playback follow cursor how to
In this video, OBEDIA shows you how to setup the playback engine in Avid Pro Tools. We're located in Nashville, TN, Music City USA! We are open Monday-Friday, 10am - 6pm Central Time. Want to go beyond the video? Get Live one on one help by calling us and signing up for an OBEDIA Subscription, with 30 minutes of one on one Pro Tools training included with every month you subscribe.Ĭall: 61, dial 1. How to Setup the Playback Engine in Pro Tools.
For example:Ĥ4.1 kHz files in 48 kHz sessions play back too fastĤ8 kHz files in 44.1 kHz sessions play back too slow If you choose to Add rather than Convert, an audio file whose sample rate does not match that of the session and click ‘Yes’ in the warning dialog that appears, Pro Tools will reference the original file location and play the audio at the wrong speed. mp3), but you will be given a warning if the sample rate does not match. You can also mix and match audio file types (.wav. Pro Tools 10 has added support for files of multiple bit depth in the same session. Mike Watkinson demonstrates when and why. However, there are times when you'll need to be sample-rate savvy. Pro Tools 10 does a lot of the sample rate conversion for you behind the scenes. Mike Watkinson on in Pro Tools 0 comments Making Sense of Sample Rate Conversion in Pro Tools 10, Part 1 Although you can drag-and-drop audio files from the Finder and Workspace Browser, to have the most control over what happens when you import the file choose File Import Audio (Shift-Option-i).
Only show the tracks in the Edit window that you want to consolidate.When you import an audio file into a Pro Tools session you are presented with several options as far as its sample rate is concerned, and it is important to choose the right one if you want it to play back at the right speed.If these directions DO NOT work verify you have left clicked on the Bars | Beats timebase ruler BEFORE you press the CTRL + a keys to select all the clips in the tracks that are showing. Left clicking the Bars | Beats timebase ruler is a necessary step for these directions to work correctly.See the image of consolidated, selected tracks below. The tracks will begin the consolidation process immediately. Press and hold down the Alt + SHIFT then 3 keys on your keyboard.The background of the clips will darken once selected. Press the CTRL + a key on your keyboard to select all the clips within all tracks showing in the Edit window.I've drawn a red line around the Bars| Beats timebase ruler in the image below. It is located above and extends along the entire length of the first track in the Edit window of a Pro Tools session. Left click anywhere along the Bars| Beats timebase ruler.Review how to duplicate the playlist of multiple tracks… You can go back to the original playlists if you later find editing mistakes or other issues in the consolidated tracks. Consolidate the duplicate playlists NOT your original playlists. Create a duplicate playlist for each track you want to consolidate.Consolidate multiple tracks in a session: You can consolidate 1 or ALL the tracks in a session using the following steps. Only show the tracks in the Edit window that you want to consolidate. NOTE: For these directions to work correctly you need to "Hide" any track you do NOT want to consolidate.